Lifeguard Leo (Bad Boys We Love) Page 12
“Better than I have for weeks. Yesterday I didn’t wake, bolting for the toilet.”
Leo kissed the side of my head and rubbed my back, then turned toward my dad. “Mr. Smith, can I interest you in a beer?”
“I’d love one. Great place you have here…”
Mom and I watched them walk off together. “How’s Dad with all this?”
“Better. He was shocked at first. But he’s coming around. Leo scored major points when he had you quit your job at the club.”
“Oh gosh, I’m happy about it myself. I just don’t want to mooch off him, you know? I should pay my own way.” I leaned in and lowered my voice so Leo didn’t hear me. We were deliriously happy and in love, but I didn’t want to pressure him about marriage. “We aren’t married so it feels weird not contributing to maintaining his house. He won’t even let me pay the internet bill.”
Mom copied me and spoke softly. “Well, are you still struggling to pay your bills?”
“No, she’s not,” Leo replied, startling me. “We’ve paid off her bills. What she makes teaching dance is her money.”
I sighed and rolled my eyes. Mr. Nosy had me show him my bills when I moved in last month. Then he promptly paid them off. He didn’t even blink as he paid off my car and student loans. Later he told me he had a trust fund he hardly touched. There was no arguing with Leo regarding the topic of sharing his money. The man was crazy generous. I loved him so much and appreciated everything he had done for me.
“Red, you should show your mom and mine the baby’s room.”
“Oh, I’d love to see it.”
“I’ll get Laney and my mom and send them your way.” He winked and kissed me.
“We haven’t done anything to the room,” I told my mom.
“Aw, he’s just excited. Let him be.”
“I am. He takes doting father to a whole new level, and the baby won’t be here for seven more months.”
“I think it’s precious. And to think he wouldn’t settle down. He looks awfully content.”
“He is. We both are. I’ve never been happier.”
Mom put her arm around me as I led her to the nursery. A moment later, Laney and her mom, Toni, entered, along with Carol.
“Neutral colors are the way to go if you’re not finding out the gender,” Mom said.
“I agree. But are you not finding out?” Carol asked.
“We haven’t decided. I want to know but Leo wants to be surprised, though he’s insistent it’s a boy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was right. He’s been right thus far about everything.”
“Honey, he was always right when he was a little boy too. I have a lot of regrets with Leo. I hope to make it up to him. I will be a better grandmother. You can count on it.”
I hugged Carol. I wanted her to make up for the years she neglected Leo. Though he never wanted for anything, being in the top private schools in the country, what he needed most was love.
Despite everything Leo had gone through as a child, he was a kind, generous, and loving man. And I was the luckiest woman in Southern California because he was mine.
RED EXITED OUR master bathroom in one of my T-shirts. Her pretty face was free of makeup from earlier. She smiled, and my heart raced with excitement because I knew the look on her face. It meant I was about to get lucky.
“Hey, gorgeous, come here.” I opened my arms and she settled into them. “Are you happy, Red?”
“Any issues with the party? Everyone seemed to have a good time. Our parents appeared to get along.”
“I guess if anything, it was your dad being fashionably two hours late.”
“I honestly had expected as much. He was never on time for anything. I’m surprised he actually showed up… and alone.”
She lifted her head and gaped. Her open mouth taunted. “Why didn’t you tell me before the party?”
“Because I knew it would bother you. And you need to stay relaxed, Red… for the baby.”
“Yes, yes, I know. What did he give you when my mom and I were passing out cake?”
“A check.”
“A check? Why? We don’t need money.”
“No we don’t, but it’s his way. He said to buy a new car with it—a family car. Preferably from his dealership so we can pocket the rest.”
“You’re kidding. Does Mercedes even make a family car?”
I chuckled. She was so clueless about some things. “Yes, Red, they do.”
“Mercedes is an expensive brand though. I haven’t lived under a rock. What do you think we should do? Give the check back?”
“Nope. He wouldn’t accept it and would only be offended.”
“Hmm, I guess you’re right… as always.” She snuggled into my side.
I smirked. I was right quite a bit, but not always. “I think we should test drive some SUVs.”
“And plan to spend Christmas in Montana.”
“What?” She popped up with the most radiant smile I’d ever seen. “Are you serious?”
“Completely. I told your parents we’d be out. Promised them, actually.” Plus, I’d just gotten their blessing to propose to Red. I already had the ring and showed it to Sally while Laney distracted Red. Sally cried when she saw it, and I was hopeful Red would also be as overwhelmed when I put it on her finger.
“You are a phenomenal man.” She kissed me. “Now, I want you to make love to me.”
“Jeez, you’re bossy,” I teased her.
“I warned you.”
“But it’s not morning.”
“It’s pregnancy hormones. I’m sure of it.”
I laughed while lifting the shirt off her. I loved being inside Red, making love to her, and fucking her hard as she often requested. The best part was not having to use a condom. Heaven.
I kissed down her chest, careful of her sensitive nipples, and kissed her belly.
“Hey, precious baby, doing all right in there?” I talked to her belly, and she giggled. My buddies called me an idiot, but I didn’t care. I wanted my baby to know my voice and that I would move heaven and earth for them. “You should know you have the most loving and beautiful mother on the planet. You and I are a couple of lucky ducks. Baby duck and daddy duck.”
Red giggled, twirling her fingers in my hair. “You are too much.”
“Well, since we don’t know if it’s a boy or girl, I thought I’d stay neutral.”
“I thought you said it was a boy?”
“I did. It is a boy, but I still thought I’d keep it neutral until it was confirmed.”
“Hmm, I see. And it won’t be confirmed until our child is born.”
I nodded. “That’s what I’m thinking.” I issued her a lopsided grin. I loved how she humored me. She probably knew I’d eventually want to find out the gender, but for now, she let me have my way. I wasn’t disillusioned. Red rarely balked at anything. She was so easy-going and a free spirit. She just liked being happy. I figured so long as I made her happy, she’d give me everything I wanted, and in return, I’d give her everything she wanted. Win-win.
I kissed my way down her stomach and got straight to it. I could tell she was tired, but we never went to bed without making love, and we always started the day with making love.
I slowly swiped my tongue and listened for her soft moan.
“Yes…” she said through a heavy breath as I continued lavishing her with broad, flat strokes of my tongue. These days it didn’t take her long to orgasm—another effect of pregnancy hormones.
I inserted a finger and rubbed her clit. Her thighs shook, and she grabbed onto my head and bucked.
“Take it, Red. Take. It.”
And she did, with vigor. “I love your tongue.”
I chuckled. My woman could get loud. I had no idea how we would have sex after the baby. It would be a challenge for sure, but I didn’t need to figure it out now.
Red shot off into
a galaxy far, far away and panted through her climax. “Wow. This. Never. Gets. Old.” She crossed her arm over her eyes and continued breathing. “You’re so good to me.”
She sure knew how to make me feel like a king. I tugged off my boxers and got between Red’s legs. “No, baby. It doesn’t get old. I love making you come, whether on my tongue or my cock.” I slipped into her warm, wet pussy and groaned. “Fucking fantastic.”
“I love you, Leo.”
I started moving in her. “I love you more, Red.”
One year later…
I HADN’T STOPPED smiling once since I saw Red’s positive pregnancy test a year ago. Who would have thought me, Lifeguard Leo, the eternal bachelor, would be settled with a wife and baby? Surely not me. But I was and I had never been happier.
As I watched the people on the beach and in the water, I couldn’t help staring a little longer at the children through my binoculars. I hadn’t paid much attention to the little rug rats before I had my own. I mean yeah, I made sure they were safe, but I didn’t really look at them.
Nowadays, they stole my attention while I was here, which was only twice a week. Red had encouraged me not to quit altogether because she knew how much I loved lifeguarding and helping others. My wife was the sweetest woman ever.
After Red and I found out we were going to be parents, I made some changes in my life. I figured it was time to get a real job, as my parents used to tell me. The only thing was, I didn’t want to be away from Red and my son. They were my life. I wanted to be with them all the time. So I used my fame as Lifeguard Leo to my advantage and started a YouTube channel called Life with Leo and Red.
We had over three million subscribers after only seven months. And the first video I posted was of Red’s and my wedding. I wanted to show the eternal bachelor was off the market. It had over five million views.
YouTube was some crazy shit. Red couldn’t imagine why anyone would care about our lives, but all anyone had to do was look at her, and it was pretty easy to see. Red rocked the camera. Her spunk and sweetness stole the show. Hell, I think more viewers were interested in her than me, and I was totally okay with it. I enjoyed staring at her too, especially when she was plump with our son and shined brighter than the sun.
But posting videos about our lives wasn’t all Red and I did. We both wanted to make a difference in the world for our son and others. So we used our newfound YouTube clout as influencers for good. After Red’s best friend Erin’s life was cut short because of a drunk driver, she wanted to join MADD—Mothers Against Drunk Driving—and I joined with her. We were involved with other nonprofits, but we didn’t overextend ourselves because Oliver, Oli, as we called him, was our highest priority.
“What’s with the stupid grin?”
I turned toward Chris’s voice. “Just happy, man.” I opened my arms and inhaled the sea breeze. “Life is spectacular.”
Chris laughed. “You’re a crazy son of a bitch.”
I pointed at him. “Hey, language. Oli will be here any second.” I checked the time on my watch. Red was dropping by the beach with the baby and Laney. Laney and Chris hit it off six months ago at the baby shower our mothers threw for us. Both sets of parents were thrilled to be grandparents. It shocked the hell out of me. My dad and mom were always calling and asking for pictures of Oli. Red was better at sending them than me. I was glad my parents seemed to adore Oli. Maybe they would be better at the grandparent gig than they were being parents.
“Hey, he’s not around yet. I wouldn't talk like that around my godson. Red would have me by the balls if I did.”
I chuckled, soaking up the sunrays. “She would. Not to mention Laney would back her.” Laney and Chris were Oli’s godparents, and they loved my little man almost as much as Red and I.
“True dat.” He jerked his chin to the left. “There they come.”
I zeroed in on my wife and made a beeline for her. It’d only been six hours since I saw her and Oli, but I missed them like crazy just the same.
“Hey, baby.” I went in for a kiss and smothered Red. Then I peeked under Oli’s bucket hat to see his cute face. He gave me a slobbery smile and squealed. The kid melted my heart every time. “Hey, Oli. How’s my boy?” I made dorky baby sounds and kissed his cheek over and over. He was hanging off of Red’s chest in one of those baby wraps, which he loved. I couldn’t blame him, getting to be so close to his milk supply.
“Enough already, you’re drawing attention.” Chris snorted as he wrapped his arms around Laney and kissed her. “How’s it going, Scar? My godson giving you hell yet?”
Red shoved Chris’s arm. “Language. Oli is perfect. A little needy like his daddy, but I manage.” She puckered her lips and I accepted the invite.
Chris whispered something in Laney’s ear, making her laugh. “Well, I’m starving. Let’s blow this joint.”
“What are you hungry for, beautiful? Seafood or Mexican?” I tucked Red into my side and guided her to the tower so I could collect my things.
“You.” She lowered her voice and said, “And be ready because I’ve been very horny all day.”
I stared at her. She wasn’t teasing. Having an active sex life was a bit of a challenge with an infant, but I thought we were doing all right.
“I’ll be ready. But what about Oli?”
She lifted up on her toes to whisper in my ear. “Laney said she and Chris could watch him for a few hours after dinner. What do you say?” She pulled back with a pouty lip.
Red knew I didn’t like leaving Oli with a babysitter, or even his godparents or grandparents. He was only four months old. But now she was making doe eyes, and I couldn’t say no to her.
“Just for a few hours. I’ll take you to a hotel so they can stay at the beach house.”
“You read my mind. I already reserved a room.”
“So you knew I’d agree to leave the baby with Chris and Laney?”
Her cheeks turned pink. “I was hoping you’d agree.”
I lifted her hand and kissed her diamond wedding ring. It was large with emeralds around it. Red had been stunned when I placed it on her finger, insistent she didn’t need such an expensive ring, but nothing was too good for my Red. We’d had a small, intimate ceremony on the beach behind our home, just friends and family at sunset on New Year’s Day. It was romantic, and Red was radiant in her pregnant state.
“Hi, Leo,” a woman said and wiggled her fingers. She was in a skimpy bikini. This was the part I didn’t care for anymore when I lifeguarded.
I curled my arm around Red and patted Oli’s bum. “Hey.” I nodded at the woman I didn’t know, then turned my attention to my wife. Women still flirted with me, but I didn’t show them an ounce of interest. It was easy to do because I was deeply, unequivocally in love with my wife. I wouldn’t do anything to betray Red or risk losing her and my son. I wasn’t my father.
I was a devoted husband and father and damned proud to be both.
Leo carried me into the honeymoon suite. He never tired of having me in his arms, even with the extra ten pounds I had yet to lose after giving birth to Oli. When I was as large as a whale—and that was no exaggeration, though Leo would deny it—he could still somehow carry me.
“Wow, this is nice.” He set me on the bed. “Champagne and strawberries?” Leo hiked a brow.
“What’s the occasion?” He removed my sandals. I was sure he wanted to get our lovefest underway because he was anxious to get back to Oli. I had never seen a man so enamored with his child. Not my dad, that was for sure. Dad worked long hours and was an elder in our church; my siblings and I hardly saw him.
“Well, today was the day you told me you loved me. The day we found out I was pregnant with Oli and the first day of the rest of our lives as a couple.”
Leo stared at me, and the love in his ocean-blue eyes made my heart flutter. “Baby, I feel like a chump for not remembering.” He
sat beside me and cupped the back of my neck. “I love you, Red, more than anything, and the last twelve months have been the best of my life.”
“You’re not a chump. You are an incredibly hot, giving, and loving man. I’m so honored to be your wife. Honored you chose me.”
“Jesus”—he swallowed the emotion in his throat—“I’m the honored one.” His lips crushed mine and passion exploded between us.
We tore each other’s clothes off and Leo went straight for my pussy. Some men were breast men, but my guy was a pussy man. He could never get enough. Sometimes he only wanted to pleasure me and make me come. He certainly spoiled me in that regard.
Leo licked and sucked on my clit, taking me higher and higher with his talented tongue. I needed this… needed him with every fiber of my being. I loved being a mother, but I missed being the sexy, irresistible woman Leo fell in love with. Mostly, I missed him fucking me.
“Yes,” I moaned, writhing on the bed as he slipped one, then two fingers into me. He curled them, hitting just the right angle. I shot off like a rocket, screaming his name and gripping his shoulders.
“Fuck, Red. I’ve missed this.” He slurped me up and rubbed his nose in my curls. He was such a dirty bad boy, I loved it.
I knew he missed this just as much as I did. It seemed every time we thought we could have a leisurely lovemaking session, Oli would stir. Our times together had been reduced to quickies in the morning or during naptime. We even had sex while Oli was sleeping beside me once. But Leo had said, I can’t screw my wife with my son in the bed, so we didn’t do it again. He was such a good, responsible dad. I had made sure to suck him off later since he didn’t get his.
I panted, feeling lightheaded after my monster orgasm. Leo adjusted me on the bed and climbed on top of me. I smelled myself, and it made me burn for more of my sexy-as-fuck husband. I needed his cock deep inside me. I needed to be connected, one with him.
“You are so damn beautiful, Red. Every inch of you is perfect. A masterpiece.”